LSTN ConsultantsLSTN logo

March 21, 2020


The continuing spread of coronavirus has led LSTN to work remotely until conditions improve.  The pandemic has highlighted for LSTN the interconnection of all people—we work remotely for the health of our staff, our collaborators, and our society. 

LSTN remains flexible to reduce risk and maintain project continuity for our clients:

  • LSTN data storage, now and always, is cloud-based and accessible to all LSTNers from anywhere and on any device.
  • LSTNers have always been welcome to work from home at any time, for any reason (though we all would strongly prefer working together in the office).
  • We are evaluating business travel on a case-by-case basis but are typically driving in lieu of flying for the foreseeable future.

We’re happy to discuss this further with any of our clients.